
Fewer than half of veterans, most of whom were not on lipid-lowering therapy before an event, received intensified lipid-lowering therapies after an MI or elective revascularization, researchers reported.

The Society for Vascular Surgery announced CMS expanded coverage for transcarotid artery revascularization to include standard surgical risk patients within its Vascular Quality Initiative TCAR Surveillance Project.

A single-center study suggests prior stroke and initial experience are independent risk factors for stroke within 30 days of transcatheter aortic valve replacement; however, no other factors emerged as predictors, researchers reported.

Compared with surgical ligation, transcatheter closure of the patent ductus arteriosus in infants and neonates was associated with reduced mortality rates and lower length of stay, researchers reported.
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed problems within U.S. health care systems that would be prudent to address now before another medical crisis surfaces, experts cautioned during a recent webinar hosted by U.S. News & World Report.
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